We are with you during the processes for generating the softwares you need. With our expertise, we provide your needs during processes of design, development and maintenance in the most efficient way.
As Beşinci Kural, we are able to apply the methods of TDD, SOLID, AGILE, KISS, OOP and FP on PHP, Python, Javascript, SQL and similar software languages very efficiently.
Also by adapting the useful ones of the latest software trends and ideas, we are able to overcome the needs and problems. We have all the required capacity, knowledge and experience for answering the current software needs of your firm.
We provide solutions with our expert staff for the problems about software tools that your firm uses which are provided by us and also the products your firm currently owns.
We are with you so you can take your every step firmly.
With our experience on planning and software, we can help every kind of project, product and service processes development of your firm. For this purpose, our firm aims, plans and executes the best for every project.
You can focus your firm's facilities and human recources to the other fields that can enhance your business by trusting the research-development processes to us and increase your competitive capacity.
We can develop the Minimum Viable Product for you and save you from this time consuming and troublesome stage.
We can complete the test processes after developing the MVP and make your product ready for market.
We can plan and execute the integration process of your new product.
We can plan and conduct the completion processes related to your incomplete products.
We protect you from the traps which other start-ups have fallen into and by this way we ensure your rapid success.
Join us, let's explore what's possible and beyond.

Aspects of free and open source softwares are the inseparable parts of today's informatics world. Beşinci Kural may help you benefit from the develepments on the field of free and open source softwares.
By publishing the base parts of the products that we have manufactured as free and open source, we are also testing our development quality while serving the humanity. This big challange is a constant struggle that keeps us vigorous and vigilant on the subject of software.
Benefits of Libre Software
Reliability of libre softwares is proven by the time. Since the right of examining and changing the software code has been given to all people, there are much more people are at hand than a limited team to find the errors and report them. As the result of that, the errors get detected and solved quickly. And this makes libre softwares extremely safe products.
Fast softwares are generally free softwares. Since the unnecessary parts can be removed by both the developers and the users, there will be no need to use excessive amounts of resource and time. It does not tire and wear out the hardwares and budgets.
Durability of libre software is under guarantee due to it's global constant usage and feedbacks by many people.
Transparency of libre software offers a complete control on what is happening inside the hardware to the end users while they are executing the software. You can focus to your business without having to deal with spywares and harmful softwares.
Adaptiveness is required to overcome periods of turmoil of the business world, that is the time when libre software offers a wide range of maneuverability. It saves you from the situations which threatens your business like price dependency to the software vendors or removal of the product from the market just for the increasing of the sale of the new version.
Gratis offered libre software does not cause any expense other than it's enhancement and operation.
Beşinci Kural can produce anything that provides the monitoring of the data and can offer the services of their maintenance and support. If you can not find the software infrastructure that you need, we design and develop it for you.
Beşinci Kural, creates original softwares which increase the productivity of your employees by adapting the business culture of your firm to the software.
We have the accumulated knowledge on softwares of e-commerce, ERP, CRM, pre-accountancy solutions and their installation. Planning and execution of the payment integrations are also among the services we provide.
Constructs we design and execute fulfill the tasks of collecting, filtering, processing, producing and distributing the data efficiently and swiftly.
By providing easy access to the experiences, we enable the opportunity of working fast for your team and quicken your firm. We ease the increase of your firm's profitability in your respective industry.
Do not let your business drown in softwares which are not suitable to you.

Beşinci Kural is considering the integration of education and game as it's duty. It develops technology, method and contents towards this purpose.
We can create all the technologies and software tools required for your simulation, gamification and vocational training processes.
By sharing our expertise on software, game and literature, we can provide trainings for your employees which will make them work more efficiently and organised.
Our trainings can be served as consultance service under a licence and also in lesson format when the requirements are met.
Integrating the education and game, is a duty for Beşinci Kural. Thanks to the Event Flow Construction Game Engine (OAKOM) which we have developed, we are providing solutions in the form of narration games for educational fields.
By creating contents specific to your firm in our game and gamification solutions that we provide for educational purposes, we reinforce your corporate culture.
We can also provide fast, constant maintenance and development for your education contents while they are changing. Therefore, thanks to your ever fresh educational contents, your team always knows what to do and how to do it.
Your educated and productive team that works as a single unit, carries you to the success.
Event Flow Contruction Game Engine (OAKOM) which we have developed, is one the projects which have been granted funding as part of TÜBİTAK 1512 program.
Thanks to OAKOM system, we are able to produce the simulation, gamification and vocational training products for your firm much faster, extensive and target oriented than any other examples and substitutions on the market.
TARB is the measurement and evaluation component of the OAKOM system. It ensures the fast detection of the effectiveness of the education contents on the target population and their failing parts. Therefore, the contents and game flows can be rearranged and new contents which are more appropriate for the learning structure of the target population can be formed.

We can earn your team the skills which will make them produce games and softwares in a more fruitful and productive way by transfering what we know to them.
We can give trainings for Git code version control system for using it effectively and in a way which the team integrity would be preserved. Therefore you can get a more productive software production process.
We can stage seminars which can increase the knowledge of your team about the software methods like SCRUM, SOLID, AGILE, KISS.
We are providing trainings on Godot engine and python for game development. You can start to know this game engine that newly comes into leaf and you can become it's effective user.
NOTE: Please consult us for the limitations related to our trainings in the form of lessons that derive from the legal legislation.